
Enhancing Data Security and Privacy using Hybrid Cryptography

Author : Vignesh Saravanan K , Bowyaa L , Harini Priya S Jelena Jophin J , Subhiksha G


In the era of cloud services, the number of data consumers has increased due to the rise in cloud storage services. This has also led to an increase in the number of data owners who store their encrypted data in the cloud. To address this issue, a hybrid algorithm combining Blowfish and AES encryption techniques was employed. The hybrid algorithm uses both Blowfish and AES encryption techniques to encrypt and decrypt datasets. This approach ensures enhanced security and improved performance during data retrieval. When a user enters a specific keyword and decrypts a file, the performance of the system is significantly improved. The performance depends on factors such as Recall, Ranking Privacy, Precision, Searching Speed. The proposed algorithm efficiently retrieves the required data maintaining the privacy and identifies the relevant data at high accuracy and optimal speed. Performance of the system is enhanced; the encrypted file is stored by both the user and the server. The data remains secure and accessible even in the event of a server failure. The hybrid algorithm searches for the keywords in the encrypted dataset using an algorithm that combines the strengths of both Blowfish and AES encryption techniques. The research work ensures optimal performance at a rate of 28.57% and also improved security standard of 33.33% compared to the traditional algorithms.

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