
Virtual Mouse Operations Using Webcam

Author : G. Hindu , Dr. G.D.K Kishore , J. Mohan Sai , P. Chinna Kasim , S. Saketh


This abstract introduces an innovative paradigm for computer interaction that substitutes traditional input modalities such as physical mice and touch displays with Hand Tracking and Gestures. Our system, which was constructed using the Open CV library and Python, implements computer vision techniques in order to monitor hand movements that are captured by a webcam. Sophisticated gesture recognition algorithms are utilized to convert these hand movements into mouse controls, thereby operations in an intuitive manner. Additionally, our system expands its practicality beyond the conventional capabilities of the mouse by integrating hand gestures for volume control, thus enhancing the overall user experience. By leveraging sophisticated computer vision methods, this strategy integrates gestural input into computing environments in a seamless manner, resulting in a moreuserfriendly and effective interaction paradigm. Through the utilization of gesture recognition and hand tracking, our system showcases the capacity to fundamentally transform paradigms of human-computer interaction, especially in situations where conventional input techniques may prove to be laborious or unfeasible.

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