
Smart Trolley Using RFID and ZIGBEE

Author : T.Keerthi Reddy, E. Ranadheer, K.Roopa, Mrs. T. Kavitha, Y.David Solomon Raju

Nowadays, buying and searching at huge malls is turning into a daily activity in subway cities. We can see large rush at malls on holidays and weekends. The rush is even a lot of once there are special offers and discounts. People purchase totally different things and place them in trolley. After total purchase one needs to go to cashier for payments. The cashier prepare the bill victimization bar code reader that could be a time overwhelming method and leads to long queues at charge counters. This paper targeted to minimize the Queue at a billing counter in a shopping complex. Smart Trolley does the same by displaying the total price of the product kept inside the cart. In this way the customer can directly pay the amount at the billing counter and leave with the commodities he/she has bought. The hardware is based on Arduino Uno, RFID Reader Module, RFID Card, Zigbee, Buzzer .It eliminates the traditional scanning of products at the counter and in turn speeds up the entire process of shopping, also with this system the customer shall know the total amount to be paid and hence can accordingly plan his shopping only buying the essential commodities resulting in enhanced savings. Since the entire process of billing is automated it reduces the possibility of human error substantially. Also the system has a feature to delete the scanned products by customer to further optimize the shopping experience.

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