
Smart Obstacle Detection Stick for Blind Persons

Author : Dr A Manjula, Sowmya Chityala, Nikhitha Gorityala, A Nikhil, B Sandeep

Blindness is a big hurdle in one's life. They find it difficult while travelling may not be able to identify the obstacles that come in their way through a normal walking stick. Now a day’s blind people use the white cane as a tool for guidance, when they are moving or walking. As usual, the blind move around using a trained dog and a simple white stick. There are many ways to help the blind persons for their navigation. Thus, by using Internet of Things we construct a smart stick for blind person to detect obstacles using sensors like Infrared Sensors, Ultrasonic sensors. Here, we developed a device which can serve as a better navigator to a blind person to feel more efficient and helpful than a conventional one. Blind stick is an innovative stick designed for blind person for improving their navigation better.

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