
Influence of Awareness and Roles and Responsibilities of the Board on the Quality of Financial Reporting in Jordanian Insurance Companies

Author : Mohammad WahppeAbedalhadi Alkasawneh1,Dr. B.H. Suresh2

DOI : DOI:10.5072/FK26H4PV9J.2023.05.11.002

Corporate governance involvesnearly every aspect of management, from action plans and internal controls to performanceassessmentandcorporatetransparency,becauseitoffersthefoundationforachievingacom pany'sobjectives. The primary stakeholderinfluencing corporate governanceis the Board of Directors. The roles and responsibilities of the board influence the quality of financial reporting. Financial Reporting Quality (FRQ) is ensured by the Board of Directors, which also refers to the degree to which a financial statement provides adequate and authentic information about the company's financial position and performance. Hence, the study investigated the impact of the Board of directors on financial reporting quality in Jordanian Insurance Companies. The qualitative characteristics considered for the study were awareness and roles and responsibilities of the Board. The empirical evidence was obtained using the regression technique and a onesample test based on a data sample of 19 Jordanian insurance companies. The study found that the awareness of the Board influences improving the quality of financial reporting.

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